Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Mummy Time

Today has been Mummy day. Miss M went back to school (Y8!!) and I still have a few more days holiday. So there has been some Mummy time. Double Mummy time in fact, because I spent the day with my mummy!
My mum lives about 30 minutes drive from me, in a lovely village. As the weather was warm and sunny we have spent some of today in her beautiful garden.

So many big fat bumble bees in the garden today, they were even having to share flowers!

 We had some gorgeous views to look at while we were in the garden.

There were a fair few of these...

...and lots of this.

We had some company from one of Mum's cats.
Beautiful Maddie.

Mum made home made pizza for lunch!
Oooooh, sooo yummy!!

Then I hung our crochet on the fence because I am silly. I think it looks quite nice though don't you?
Mine is the vintage stripe on the right, a present for a not-yet-born baby. Mum's is the ripple on the left, getting ready to keep her snuggly warm on the sofa in the winter!

Pretty amazing considering she only learnt to crochet about a month ago!

A very lovely day.
If only I didn't have to go back to work...


  1. What a lovely day, weather was stunning wasn't it? Your stripe is beautiful but gold star goes to your mum, just one month crocheting, wow! Wish I could pop over to see my mum, she lives a 4+ hour drive away :o

  2. Hi Karen
    What a beautiful day with your Mum, doing relaxing things together. I think your blankets look fabulous hanging on the fence. And gorgeous photos from her garden. How lucky to have your Mum just a short drive away. Cheers, Trudy

  3. It was a lovely day wasn't it! Though if I'd known you were taking photos I'd have got out the best china ;) x


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